[:en]Working as a closet organiser or wardrobe organiser in Singapore and Japan (Tokyo and Fukuoka) has presented me with some fantastic opportunities. I was lucky enough to find and meet Naoko Suzuki – a Japanese organising guru – her closet organising theories in a feature in a magazine. (Her blog can be found here, although it is only available in Japanese.)
↑This is the article, which I’ve stored away for myself.
At the moment I’m content conducting my business at my own pace here in Singapore, and am just trying to do all that I can. I’ve yet to reach out other closet organisers currently working in Japan.
☆Register now!☆
☆Basic closet organising lesson
“Making Your Dream Closet”3rd November (Tuesday)10am-12pm/$50SGD
Get tips on organising your closet and how to stay organised! You will learn where to start, what methods work for you, and discover your own styles. The moment you completed the course, you’d want to rash back to your home and start organising your closet!
☆Advanced closet organising lesson
“Brighten Up and Sophisticate Your Dream Closet with Colour”6th November (Friday) 10:30am-12pm/$30SGD
Learn basic colour scheme for your looks! By learning the basic theory and the impression the colour give for certain style, you’ll learn how to present yourself for specific occasions to impress!
☆School holiday camp with for your kids to get organised
During the October term break (Choose a day that suits you: 2 hours/$150SGD per child)
I conduct private holiday camps with your children so they can learn about organising (Age: primary school, Languages: Japanese or English)
I often hear countless reasons from expats at to why their interest in fashion drops when living overseas, or why they don’t know what they should be wearing day-to-day. Some of these reasons include the change in lifestyle, living in an area where the weather remains the same year-round, or also living here just for temporarily. The way I look at it, this is the time you can enjoy different kinds of fashion thanks to the tropical climate and uplifting energy in town, even more than where you come from. And while this is the right time to think about wardrobes that suit you and express yourself according to your age or image, you should try not to waste your time and money. (To be honest, I could say the same about your home. Generally people have fewer belongings in their temporary homes in Singapore, which does make it easier to learn how to manage your space, as well as making it less of a hassle when packing up and repatriating to own home…)
The following is something that Naoko has written about, but also something that I often hear it myself. People say that they have little trouble tidying up their home (thanks to the space and the time staying at home). The trouble is the closet space. As a personal, and more often than not, private area, many people don’t have the time or willingness to tidy it up. No guests would come to your bedroom and open your wardrobe, correct? It’s easy to just close the door on the mess or overloaded dresses. I don’t know how many times my friends have said to me “Eri, I want you to help me out but I’m too embarrassed!” haha.
But as closet organisers, we’re not just here to organise your space or give out fashion advice; together, we go as far as to look at our client’s lives from a birds-eye view.
That’s because your life changes along with what you wear. And you will need to see the priority in your life, or what makes you truly happy.
Have you spent time for yourself recently? Some mothers say, “Oh my baby is my priority so I really don’t care about myself now.” But during the session, we often discover the inner aspirations for those mothers that they all want look better. Love yourself and then others – well said! If we want to pour your love to your family, friends and the society, we should pour that love first to ourselves. If you you want to look into yourself and perhaps transform bit better, reviewing your wardrobe is one of the quick, easy and effective way. (We all know changing the diet or work out in a gym take time to show result.) I’m writing this right off from my own experiences.
Your life changes along with what you wear.
Keeping that in mind, wouldn’t you want to make it more efficient to choose your clothes? That’s what I’ve come to think through my own experience. While I think that there are simple tips that can make everyday life enjoyable, there are sure to be those who feel deceived, but you just have to try it.
When I meet someone new on the job at meetings and such, I do tend to judge people by their looks, but I don’t make it personal (and never in my private life). I believe that they also do the same to me, so when meeting someone for the first time I think very carefully about what I should wear, as well as the location and purpose of the meeting.
There are a lot of people who are fantastic at tidying their home, but will not allow their closets to be seen.
Without a doubt, there are those of you who may have a beautiful, wonderful home which to a guest appears to be completely in order, but how about your wardrobe closet? Hidden behind that door, there could be a major mess!
I understand; managing your clothing can take up a lot of time. Every single day there’s the washing, drying, matching, folding, putting away… (Some of us may be bit better off being in Singapore and get our helper’s support but how about back home?)
It’s tough getting this all done in between a busy lifestyle. That’s why it’s necessary to create a system where you can put away your clothing with the least amount of effort, the least amount of waste, and with ease. There have been many times that I have been to the homes of those who have requested my help, who have had piles of washing sitting on the couch because it hasn’t been tidied up.
Also, there seems to be the common problem that once a woman passes her 30’s, she starts to think “no matter what I wear, it just doesn’t suit me,” or “I have no idea what I should be wearing.”
If this sounds like you, take a look at your closet – it’s in disarray! Am I right?
Closet organisers will pay close attention to what kind of person the client wants to be in organising their clothing, and that person’s characteristics. Client’s will then learn the skills it takes to fully utilise the clothes that they currently have in their closet.
(From Naoko’s blog – Japanese only)
We all know that keeping up with the latest trends is great, and going out to buy new clothes whenever you feel like you have nothing to wear is just fun. But why not try searching for clothing that really suits you and shows off your good side?
At the moment I am offering private sessions for a 5 hour duration, priced at $450SGD.
You can expect to receive the following services:
- Counselling
- Foundation and drape colour analysis
- Make-up colour advice
- Wardrobe material advice/colour explanation
- Colour scheme advice
- Wardrobe analysis
- Everyday styling
- Shopping item proposal
- Your behavioural pattern based smart closet organising
- Organised closet maintenance advice
While there are a lot of variables depending on the client, I don’t want you to expect that you will become a complete fashionista in one session! Think of it as weight lifting; the more you train, the more weight that you test yourself with, the stronger you become, that way I see my clients transform beautifully over time. But I do believe that undertaking a private session with myself will give you the chance to learn to put yourself first.
Everyone has their own personal colour, and it remains the same throughout your life. Learning this information will allow you to expand the amount of colours that suit your skin tone, and on top of that, you can learn more about colour coordination tips. The Colour+Shape analysis acts as a basis for colour theory which goes with own theory other than the four seasons theory. It includes colour analysis and colour coordination advice that you will be able to wear any kind of colour to suit your skin tone.
I hope that you will put aside your reservations about revealing your closet. But for now, I will let some of my client’s testimonials speak for themselves: “choosing my clothing has become easy everyday”, “I actually enjoy opening my closet now”, and even more, “this has completely changed my life”. For more please see this link→☆
I understand that $450SGD is by no means cheap. (I will note that the amount has been set in reference to American and Japanese industry standard prices.) But think of it this way; this is equivalent to the price of one facial, or one kind of beauty-treatment. It could also be the price of a quality one-piece dress or a suit in a department store. And shoes of pretty good quality are also around the same price.
Why not try mastering useful skills and knowledge you will always apply to your closet before planning your next shopping trip?
Because there is only one season in Singapore, many people may think that it isn’t necessary to reorganise their closet. For that reason, I am also offering a private session that removes the storage service (4 hours/$370SGD).
I also offer a private shopping experience which is targeted towards those who want to buy new clothes, but don’t know where to go (2 hours/$200SGD).
Following your completion of any of my sessions, I will be happy to receive your questions by mail free of charge for a period of two months, and conduct a follow-up with you.
For more details on the various sessions I offer please click here→☆
I usually receive an increase in requests for the December holiday season. Because my schedule will also become very tight, I am offering 10% off all of my sessions for the period up until the end of the year to those who have made booking by Nov 11th. Please feel free to contact me via the form below.
As I mentioned in the title, being a closet organising pro isn’t just about clothing, it’s also about lifestyle. I want to make my clients happy through what I have to say and what I can share with them, and would love to continue to help people feel more fulfilled in their lives even if someday the form in which I do so may change.
Organised LifeStyle Consultant (Singapore/Tokyo)
Limited slots available!
Personal colour analysis and colour scheme advice, personal styling wardrobe organise, shopping cruise!
My service: click here
My style: click here
Like my FB Page and get more organising tips :)
- カウンセリング
- テストファンデーション・ドレープによるパーソナルカラー診断
- メイクのカラーアドバイス
- お似合いになる素材・色の説明
- 色の組み合わせレッスン
- ワードローブ診断
- スタイリング
- 買い足しアイテムのご提案
- 行動パターンや効き脳を参考にしたクローゼット収納
- 服選びに迷わなくなる収納アドバイス
☆人生が輝くDREAM CLOSETセッション☆の詳細はコチラ>>
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シンガポールでLuxenity (ルクセニティ)という小さな会社と、港区で心の自立した女性達の交流サロンと養成所を運営しています。
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++ greetings2016.11.01[:ja]シンガポールで駐妻をやめて法人設立しました[:]