[:en]It’s December already! I believe some of you are already traveling and some are about to fly off :) Here one of my must-have for any trip packing: a few laundry nets.
Those laundry nets are usually used to protect our delicate wardrobes in a laundry machine but they are really useful when you want to organise your stuffs in your suitcases. For your hassle-free unpacking, you are already separate your laundries by color or by materials and just throw them into your washing machine.
You can find those nets at Daiso or any other familiar uncle’s places.
Talking about vacations, a multi fashion label shop of Japanese fashion brands JRunway at Plaza Singapura is running 2 campaigns to win tickets to Japan!!! One is a style look contest and the other one is to sign-up for a membership. Here’s the link for your chance to win tickets to Japan!
Style Look Contest (3 more days!)
Membership sign-up
Have a wonderful season ahead!
Organised LifeStyle Consultant (Singapore/Tokyo)
Ready for Spring Cleaning 2016?
Apply now to get 10% discount for all the organising services!
Start your new year with fresh closet or home!
The promotion valid till 16 Jan 2016. The promotion can be used for non-organising services such as personal colour analysis and colour scheme advice, personal styling wardrobe organise, shopping cruise.
My service: click here
My style: click here
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シンガポールでLuxenity (ルクセニティ)という小さな会社と、港区で心の自立した女性達の交流サロンと養成所を運営しています。
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++ greetings2016.11.01[:ja]シンガポールで駐妻をやめて法人設立しました[:]