I have recently shared a post on my black wide pants. They add a good change to my stylings and they are very comfortable! Especially for my somewhat flabby body after the festive season :)
Black X Navy colour scheme usually gives a modern, mannish, and chic impression. Here I added Khaki to soften the colour image.
My “Khaki gradation styling set”. They are all different colours in look but they all starting from yellow. I’m not daydreaming, they do start from yellow as primary colour.
It’s easy to plan your style when you have some knowledge on colours. Plus it helps maintain your closet neat and functional.
–> Still haven’t assess your closet? Answer 7 questions and see it for your self.
Hope to share more tips here!
Organised LifeStyle Consultant (Singapore/Tokyo)
If you feel like that this is the time for you to work on your closet and learn more, make an appointment from the form below for the personal closet makeover session (and get 10% discount for the CNY promotion valid till16 Jan 2016).
If you are a strong self-learner or simply don’t have time for private sessions, here’s the opportunities to learn the tips to design, purge and organise your closet to love it more! Series of small group workshops are arranged to best suit your learning needs. There are 3 Fundamental workshops scheduled on 14, 21, 28 Jan 2016 from 7-8pm & 9, 16 Jan 2016 from 10am-1pm at central area, each workshop costs 50SGD (incl. a drink) and 130SGD for package of 3 workshops. It is recommended to take each workshops in order as it is designed for you to get the best of it, however you can choose from what you want to start with. If you wish to arrange separate workshop with your friends and colleagues, make an appointment with me at your convenient time (lunch hours or after work near your office)!
14 Jan 2016, 7-8pm
WS1. Organising your mind: For people who don’t know where to start – A compilation of thinking about what styles you are attracted to and how you want to style yourself. You will learn why you tend to choose certain styles and how you can build up your wardrobe towards your image goal.21 Jan 2016, 7-8pm
WS2. Organising your behaviour: For people who wants to learn why your closet is ended up with the current mess. You will learn why certain people is more organised and certain people are not and why your house looks ok but not your closet. By analysing the dominant side of your brain and behavioural patterns, you will get tips on ways to use this knowledge to update your closet.28 Jan 2016, 7-8pm
WS3. Organising your space: For people who wants to learn “how to organise” tips. You will learn compilation of storage methods and helpful organise items that are available in Singapore.9 Jan 2016 from 10am-1pm
WS1. Organising your mind
WS2. Organising your behaviour
WS3. Organising your space
16 Jan 2016 from 10am-1pm
WS1. Organising your mind
WS2. Organising your behaviour
WS3. Organising your space
Ready for Spring Cleaning 2016?
Apply now to get 10% discount for all the organising services!
Start your new year with fresh closet or home!
The application period for the promotion valid till 16 Jan 2016. The promotion can be used for non-organising services also such as personal colour analysis and colour scheme advice, personal styling wardrobe organise, shopping cruise. So pamper yourself for the new year!
My service: click here
My style: click here
Like my FB Page and get more organising tips :)
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シンガポールでLuxenity (ルクセニティ)という小さな会社と、港区で心の自立した女性達の交流サロンと養成所を運営しています。
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++ greetings2016.11.01[:ja]シンガポールで駐妻をやめて法人設立しました[:]