[:en]How did you spend the long weekend? I went with my daughter and her school friends to Bintan Island. The internet connection wasn’t the best, so I unable to make any updates while there.
Without further ado, I would like to continue on from my previous post and share some feedback that I received from one of my clients. This particular client reached out for my help because she found she was no longer able to wear the kinds of styles that she was used to, due to her age and the Singapore climate. There were probably other reasons as well, but since the first time we met, I have really seen the improvement as she has become more and more wonderful:
Hello. I’ve been reading your blog since my last session with you. (Your post “How can we the petite wear them” was incredibly helpful. I really want to try your tips out soon!) I feel as if you and I have been actually meeting everyday, but then I suddenly I realised that I have yet to send you a message of thanks.
After organising my closet, I was confronted with the reality that I was unable to coordinate the clothes I already own. But after the shopping trip that you took me along, I realised that considering coordinating outfits really can be fun, and I took a lot of photos to show the accessories that I’ve paired with my clothing.
Since coming to Singapore, I only ever used to wear one-piece dresses because of the heat and my lack of motivation, but for the first time in a long time, I feel like coordinating outfits is once again enjoyable.
I was brought to my senses from what I learned from you. I used to be under the impression that “clothing with elaborate designs are fashionable”, so that when I wore two items with such designs together, they hindered my looks rather than enhancing them.
While I still have a lingering preference for cute items, through attending three of your individual lessons I suddenly became convinced that “the most wonderful items are those that suit you”.
I truly felt lost when I passed 40 years old, but now I feel incredibly grateful to have been able to meet you.
Although I was at a loss about what I should do, now I feel as if I want to try my hardest to build upon the skills I have learnt for a better me, as I’ll only be getting older from here on out.
During the shopping trip, I felt like I was experiencing what it was like to really be a lady! I felt truly refreshed, and in the days following I was able to find a simple top after trying on different kinds at another store.
Shopping with you was truly an invaluable time. I really enjoy shopping now, and when out by myself I think “what would I choose if I were Eri?”
I’m convinced that the personal colour analysis and closet analysis beforehand was all the more worthwhile for the shopping trip.
It was enjoyable when I was organising my closet to divide the paper bags filled with clothes into categories such as “things to sell on the internet” and “things to give to the neighbourhood girls”. Inside the bags I discovered newly purchased items that I could actually use to create new outfits, and I was easily able to identify clothes that no longer suited me. Also, I had clothes that I hadn’t worn for a long time that could be returned to my closet.
I hope that through the help of your keen eye I have grown up as a woman, even if only a little.
I’ve written a lot here, but anyway, thank you very much. The time that I have spent with you has been extremely valuable, and I can use this knowledge for the rest of my life!
And well, it’s a little early, but please have a wonderful summer holiday.
Receiving this message was really encouraging. I feel as if I can hold my head high, and walk with a spring in my step. In the future, I want to keep providing small chances like this to help women improve their lives.
Organised LifeStyle Consultant (Singapore/Tokyo)
Limited slots available!
Personal colour analysis and colour scheme advice, personal styling wardrobe organise, shopping cruise!
My service: click here
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エリーさんこんにちは。 ブログを拝見したり(「トレンドの自分らしい取り入れかた」 はすっごく参考になります。 すぐにでもやってみたーい!)◯◯ちゃんとその後も色々話したり、すっかりエリーさんに毎日会ってるような気がしてましたが、ふとまだお礼メールもしてないと気づきました。クローゼットのオーガナイズ後は、すっきりはしたものの自分の手持ちの服ではコーディネートできないという現実に直面してしまった私ですが、ショッピング後には色々コーディネートを考えるのが楽しくなってアクセサリーなども組み合わせてたくさん写真も撮ってみました。シンガポールに来て暑さとやる気のなさでワンピばっか り着ていたのですがコーディネートを考えるのって楽しいと久しぶりに感じることができました。「凝ったデザインの服がお洒落」と思い込んでいたので、凝ったデザインと凝ったデザインのものを合わせると引き立てあうというよりもお互いを邪魔しあってしまう・・ということを教えていただいたのも目からうろこでした。かわいいものもまだ未練が断ち切れなかったのですが、エリーさんの個人レッスン三回を経験して「もっと似合うもの、素敵なものがある」ということがすとんと腑に落ちました。40歳をしっかり過ぎてロスト状態になっていた時にエリーさんに出会えていて本当に良かったと思います。これからますます年齢を重ねていくう えでどうしていいのかと途方にくれていましたが、これからはもっとセンスを磨いていけるように頑張りたいなと思えるようになりました。エリーさんとのショッピングはまさに女子の憧れを経験した!という気分でした。 数日後もすっかりいい気分で別のザラの店舗で15枚くらい試着してシンプルなトップスを一枚見つけられました。一人でも「エリーさんならどういうのを選ぶかな??」と考えながらお買いものするのはとっても楽しくて、ショッピング同行はほんとうに貴重な時間だったなと思います。その前のカラー診断やクローゼット診断があったらからますますショッピング同行が意味のあるものになるんだなと納得しました。クローゼットの中から紙袋行 きになったお洋服たちも「ネットの買い取りに出すもの」「ご近所のお嬢さんにゆずるもの」などに分けたり、楽しんで作業しています。 紙袋の中からも新しく購入したシンプルなものとコーディネートできるものがあったり、迷わずクローゼットに戻したものも久しぶりに着てみるともう似合わないとわかるものがあったりしてそれもおもしろいです。私の中にもエリーさんの目が少しでも育っていくといいなあと思っています。色々書きましたがとにかくありがとうございました。 今後の私の生活にとってとっても価値のあるエリー月間でした!それでは、少し早いですが、よい夏休みをお過ごしください。
シンプルライフにも登録してみましたー(20 May, 2016)。
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シンガポールでLuxenity (ルクセニティ)という小さな会社と、港区で心の自立した女性達の交流サロンと養成所を運営しています。
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++ greetings2016.11.01[:ja]シンガポールで駐妻をやめて法人設立しました[:]