You are good in remember things generally but in this info-flown world today, it is simply so impossible to remember every single things in your life. The more it has less importance to your life, the more it’s easy to slipped off from our head.
One of these less important thing for me is a shopping list. Recently a friend of mine said “I happened to be at Plaza Singapura so I went to Daiso remembering what I needed to buy… but I couldn’t remember it!”
Yes, I had same experiences. Daiso, Spotlight, Brown Rice, etc. Since those things that you want to buy at these less usual place to shop are either not that urgent or important, they are hard to stay with my overloaded memory capacity.
But where’s my organised life?!
In order to conquer this small stress lingering in my mind, I’ve been using an app called “shopshop” (free).
Very simple interface: add your own list and strike through it when you are done.
Good things about this app is that you can create many pages. I assign a page for Daiso, another one for Brown Rice for example. Also I have another page that is assigned to my shopping lists in Japan (yes, this list was very important but was easy to slipped off from my mind).
While it’s shopping app, I also use it as a to-do-list when I have multiple projects going-on, or simply wish list for a long vacation or things I want (need) to do if I have 5 min, or things I want to do in my life!
You can send the list via SMS or mail. If you are lucky enough to have a partner asking “Do you want me to get anything on my way?”, simply send your list :)
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シンガポールでLuxenity (ルクセニティ)という小さな会社と、港区で心の自立した女性達の交流サロンと養成所を運営しています。
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