A private lesson at your home for those interested in learning easy tips for welcoming guests to your place.
Using your existing plates and cutleries, you will learn quick and easy table settings that are homy yet make your guests feel special to be invited.
- home party styling & table arrangement
- menu & theme planning that will all come from your cupboard!
- shopping suggestions for extra items (if necessary)
If you are tired of outside parties and make your child’s birthday memorable or seeing off your good friends who are leaving the country, home party is something you could consider for is cozy and homy atmosphere.
Cupboard and table linen organise advice and service are also available.[:ja]

Table Styling
- パーティーやおもてなしのスタイリング
- メニューやテーマなどのプランニング
- お手持ちの食器を使ったテーブルコーディネート・スタイリング
- 買い足しアイテムのご提案
- ご来客時のインテリアレイアウトのご提案